V’Zot HaBerachah (and this is the blessing) SIMCHAT TORAH (Rejoicing in Torah)

Deuteronomy 33:1 וְזֹאת And this is the blessing, in which blessed Moses, the man of Elohim את־ Children of Israel before his death. C-MATS Question: What were the final words of Moses? These final words of Moses are a combination of blessing and prophecy, in which he blesses each tribe according to its national responsibilities and individual greatness. Moses’ blessings …

Aleph Tav Alerts: Deuteronomy

DEUTERONOMY (Devarim) The word Deuteronomy means Words and the author of the Book is Moses as stated in Deuteronomy 1:1. Someone else, perhaps Y’hoshua (Joshua) may have written the last chapter. These sermons were given during the 40-day period prior to Israels entering the Promised Land. The first sermon was delivered on the 1st day of the 11th month (1:3) …