Deuteronomy 33:1 וְזֹאת And this is the blessing, in which blessed Moses, the man of Elohim את־ Children of Israel before his death. C-MATS
Question: What were the final words of Moses? These final words of Moses are a combination of blessing and prophecy, in which he blesses each tribe according to its national responsibilities and individual greatness. Moses’ blessings were a continuation of Jacob’s, as if to say that the tribes were blessed at the beginning of their national existence and again as they were about to begin life in Israel. Moses directed his blessings to each of the tribes individually, since the welfare of each tribe depended upon that of the others, and the collective welfare of the nation depended upon the success of them all. (Pesikta) Chumash
Deuteronomy 33:2 And he (Moses) said, יהוה came from Sinai and from Seir He dawned on them; He shined forth from Mount Paran and He came with ten thousands of holy ones: from His right hand went a fiery commandment for them. C-MATS
Question: How did יהוה present the Torah to the Israelites? יהוה came to Israel from Seir and Paran, which, as the Midrash records, recalls that יהוה had offered the Torah to the descendants of Esau, who dwelled in Seir, and to the Ishmaelites, who dwelled in Paran, both of whom refused to accept the Torah because it prohibited their predilections to kill and steal. Then, accompanied by some of His myriads of holy angels, יהוה came and offered His fiery Torah to the Israelites, who submitted themselves to His sovereignty and accepted His Torah without question or qualification.
Deuteronomy 33:3 Certainly, He loves the people; all His Holy Ones are in your hand: sitting down at your feet; they receive your instructions. 4 Moses commanded us to keep the Torah, as an inheritance for the congregation of Jacob. 5 And He was king in Yeshurun (dear upright people), when the leaders of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together. C-MATS
Question: Where is Yeshurun? Yeshurun is a poetic nickname for Israel. Question: Who is king in Yeshurun?יהוה is Israel’s King in the fullest sense only when the people are united to do His Will, just as the acceptance of יהוה’s sovereignty at Sinai was with the consent of the entire Israelite nation, without dissent.