From the end of the Book of Genesis to the beginning of the Book of Exodus story when Moses is born, there is a span of hundreds of years. Jacob’s 12 sons and many of their descendants have all died in Egypt and the Children of Israel have become a multitude of approximately one million people in bondage (Exodus 1:14) …
Behaalotecha (When You Raise) the Lamps
(Verses 10:35-36 below are considered a complete new Book of the Torah by the sages because of the importance of these two verses) C-MATS Numbers 10:35 And it came to pass when the Ark set out that Moses said: RISE UP, יהוה and let your enemies be scattered; and let them that hate you flee before you. 36 And when …
YITHRO (Jethro)
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law suggests a system for establishing lower courts to settle disputes; Elohim speaks the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel amidst fire, smoke, and the sound of the shofar. Exodus 18:1 When heard of Jethro, the priest of Midian, father in law of Moses, את all that Elohim had done for Moses and for Israel his people …