Deuteronomy 31:1 And Moses went and spoke אֶת־ these words to all Israel. 2 And he said to them, I am 120 years old this day; I cannot go out and come in anymore: and ויהוה said to me, You will not cross over אֶת־ the Jordan this day. C-MATS Question: Why did Moses say “I am 120 years old …
Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles (Booths)
Question: Why do we celebrate the Feast of Sukkot? The Festival of Sukkot commemorates the shelter that יהוה provided the Israelite people in the Wilderness, and an essential part of the Sukkot service is to recall that shelter. Sukkot responds to the joy of knowing that your sins were forgiven during Yom Kippur and recalling the miraculous provision and care …