Aleph Tav Alerts: Exodus



The word Exodus means Departure and the author of the Book is Moses as stated in Exodus 17:14. The Book of Exodus does not state when it was written but the date of authorship is likely between 1450 and 1400 B.C., which is the approximate time that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and the approximate time of Moses death.

Aleph/Tav את Used in EXODUS: אֶת et 0 times, אֶת־ et- 580 times, אֵת eet 61 times, אֶת־ Et- 8 times, אֵת Eet 2 times, אָתְּ aat 0 times, אַתְּ at 0 times, אַתְּ־ at- 0 times = Total 651

Vav/Aleph/Tav ואת Wa‘at וְאַתְּ 0 times, Wa‘eet וְאֵת 54 times, Wa‘et- וְאֶת־ 166 times = 220 Grand Total 881

13. PARSHA (1) SHEMOT (names) (Exodus 1:1-6:1)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: From the close of the Book of Genesis to the beginning of the Book of Exodus story when Moses is born is a span of hundreds of years and Jacob’s 12 sons and many of their descendants have all died in Egypt and את Children of Israel have become a multitude of approximately one million people in bondage (Ex 1:14) to a new Pharaoh who does not remember את Joseph (Ex 1:8). Ex 1:14 says the Egyptians “made bitter את their lives” also Ex 2:24 And heard, Elohim את their groaning and remembered Elohim את His covenant with את Abraham, with את Isaac with ואת Jacob…implying that Y’shua and Father are acquainted with His covenant children’s pain and suffering firsthand. Ex 1:17 states the Egyptian midwives feared את Elohim and they protected את male children. Ex 2:1 states a Levi took an את daughter for a wife and she gave birth to את child who was placed inside an את Ark (Ex 2:5) and placed in the river. Just like Joseph, Moses’ life is also a type and foreshadow of Y’shua our Messiah because he would be used by Elohim to save את Children of Israel. In Ex 2:5-6 Pharaoh’s daughter opens את Ark and sees את child. From Ex 2:3 to Ex 2:9 the את is placed in front of the word child 4 times and the את child hasn’t even been named yet but we can see by the placement of the את that he is very special. In Ex 3:3 Moses sees the burning bush is not consumed and says he must go see the את sight. The burning bush must be both יהוה and את together as the Yah-head because יהוה is always represented by FIRE and את by smoke or a cloud. Both are present when speaking to Moses from the burning bush because the voice from the bush cries out to Moses TWICE (Ex 3:4). Confirmation of this is also the fact that Ex 3:2 says the Angel of יהוה appears in the bush yet verse 7 says יהוה speaks to Moses from the bush. Moses is told in Ex 3:12 that when he has brought את people out of Egypt they will serve את Elohim on this mountain (Sinai) implying they will serve both יהוה and את together. In Ex 4:15 Moses is told when he goes to Egypt he will speak את words to Pharaoh and in verse 4:17 Moses is told that the staff (rod) will work את signs and again in verse 4:20 the staff is את rod to work wonders. In Ex 4:23 Moses is told to tell Pharaoh that Israel is את firstborn son and to let them go. In Ex 5:2 Pharaoh tells Moses he does not know את יהוה (Yah-head) and neither will he let go את Israel!

14. PARSHA (2) VAERA (and he appeared) (Exodus 6:2-9:35)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Again we see the proclamation in Ex 6:3-5 that the את covenant יהוה Father has made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, their descendants and the land is through את. The list of the generations of the Levites start in Ex 6:16 and in Ex 6:25 we see the first mention of someone who will be very special אֶת־ Phinehas is born. The next time we will see Phinehas name is in Num 24:7 when he does a very brave act and stops a plague against the את Children of Israel and his reward is that את enters into a everlasting את Covenant of Peace with he and his descendants (Num 25:12). We see in Ex 7:3 that it is יהוה through את who hardens Pharaoh’s heart so that את can multiply His את signs and את wonders upon the land of Egypt. In Ex 7:1 we see that it is יהוה speaking to Moses and laying His את hand upon Pharaoh and Egypt, as a result, it appears to be את bringing forth the judgments of יהוה upon Egypt. This is a perfect picture of the Yah-head, יהוה works with and through את together as ONE and they have worked this way forever. Ex 7:20-25 we see it is את who strikes the waters and turns them to blood for 7 days. Ex 8:6 we see it is את hand that brings forth the plague of frogs and in Ex 8:16-18 it is את hand that brings forth the plague of lice and again in verse 21 it is את hand that brings forth the plague of flies (insects). We see in Ex 9:6 that it is by את that the Egyptian cattle die in the land of Egypt. In Ex 9:10-11 we see it is את ashes that Moses uses to produce boils on all Egyptians and in Ex 9:22-29 it is את hand that both starts and ends the plague of hail and fire upon Egypt. So, we continue to see this protocol and pattern of the Yah-head (Elohim) revealed as יהוה Father’s divine will is carried out both with and through את Y’shua by the power of יהוה Father’s Holy Spirit which binds them together as ONE. Consequently, any time the Hebrew word ‘Elohim’ is used in scripture it is describing the complete Yah-head, both יהוה Father and את Y’shua.

15. PARSHA (3) BO (enter/go) (Exodus 10:1-13:16)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Ex 10:2 claims that the purpose את hardens Pharaoh’s heart is so that Moses may tell his descendants what את did in Egypt so that they may know יהוה Father. It is rare that you see the wording “את יהוה and Elohim” mentioned all together in scripture but in Ex 10:7-8 Pharaohs’ servants tells Pharaoh to let go of את men so that they may go serve את יהוה their Elohim. Again this is a perfect picture of the Yah-head, יהוה Father working through את Y’shua, together as ONE. Ex 10:13-19 we see it is את that brings and takes away the plague of locust. In Ex 10:22 when Moses stretches forth his hand, it is actually את hand of authority that brings the plague of darkness upon Egypt for 3 days. This is a beautiful picture of man walking in covenant with יהוה את because we become an extension of the Yah-head. BUT why a Plague of Darkness and why 3 Days? This could only be a type and foreshadow of את Y’shua our Messiah’s death at Calvary and 3 days later His resurrection provides freedom to all those who repent and enter into covenant with Father through the blood of Y’shua because right after את Plague of Darkness is the death of the first born and Israel is SET FREE!

Now concerning the last plague and Passover Ex 12:8 states it is את flesh they will be eating that night as the Passover Lamb and Ex 12:13 and 12:23 states it is את blood of the Passover Lamb that will be placed on the door post as an את sign. Ex 12:17 claims that it is the את Unleavened Bread, which they are, commanded to observe this את day as a ordinance for ever! Ex 12:36 we see it is את that gives the Israelites favor with the Egyptians and את who also allows them to plunder the Egyptians and notice in Ex 12:51 that it is both יהוה and את that lead the Children of Israel out of the land of Egypt together manifesting physically as the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night that lead them.  יהוהFather is represented by FIRE and את Y’shua by the CLOUD, the same manifestation when Abraham was making covenant with the Yah-head that passed over the sacrifices in Gen 15:17.

16. PARSHA (4) BSHALACH (when he let go) (Exodus 13:17-17:16)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: As we have seen that Joseph’s life was a type and foreshadow of Y’shua the Messiah because he saved את Children of Israel. As the Israelites depart from Egypt in Ex 13:19 they carry את bones of Joseph and notice the את in front of bones twice. In Ex 14:4-5 it is את who hardens Pharaoh’s heart to chase after את Israel so that the Egyptian army may be completely destroyed. Now when the Israelites see Pharaoh’s army they become fearful but Moses states in Ex 14:13 to Fear Not and Stand Still and see אֶת־ salvation (Yeshuwah) of יהוה. Again a perfect picture of the Yah-head, יהוה Father working through את Y’shua as ONE and they work the same way today. In Ex 14:16 and 21 we see it is את hand that parts the waters of the Red Sea and Ex 14:25 it is את hand that causes the wheels of their chariots to fall off and Ex 14:26-28 את hand that closes the Red Sea. Ex 14:30-31 states that all Israel saw את work greatly that day and they feared את. In Ex 16:7 as the Israelites begin to suffer in the wilderness and murmur; Moses warns them that את hears their murmurings against יהוה. Now in Ex 16:31 the first time the Israelites see Manna from heaven they call it את his name Manna. (Note: the Hebrew word for ‘name’ in verse 31 is shem and over 70 times is rendered ‘his name’ when spelled the exact same way as in verse 31) So the verse could read, ‘they called it את His name Manna’. Confirmation that את is represented in the Manna is in Ex 16:23 which states that the Manna they baked and broiled in the wilderness is את and in Ex 16:35 it states that they ate את Manna for 40 years. The את Manna Father gave in the wilderness feed them physically and was a type and foreshadow of את Bread of Life that יהוה Father gives to all those who receive את Y’shua as Messiah who gives the promise to inherit Eternal Life (John 6:31-40) and those who eat His body and drink His blood will never hunger or thirst spiritually. Ex 17:2-7 states that the Israelites were actually tempting both את and יהוה with their murmuring.

17. PARSHA (5) YITHRO (Jethro) (Exodus 18:1-20:26)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Ex 18:16-20 makes it clear that the statutes, ordinances and commandments of Torah came from יהוה Father through את Y’shua and they are given to show the את way and the את work that they/we should walk in to obtain the promised blessings and avoid the curses. Y’shua confirms this protocol before His death and resurrection in John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Ex 19:5 states, Now therefore if you will obey My voice and keep את My covenant, then you will be a peculiar treasure to Me above all people. In Ex 20:1-2 it is Elohim את יהוה together that speak from את Mount Sinai and proclaims the 10 Commandments to the Israelites for both the FIRE and the CLOUD were present on top of Sinai. It is important to notice that the את is used in 3 of the 10 commandments; they are: 1). The 3rd Commandment: Ex 20:7 not to take את name of יהוה your Elohim in vain; because יהוה את will not hold him guiltless, who takes את His name in vain; and 2). The 4th Commandment: Ex 20:8-11 to remember את day, the Sabbath and keep it consecrated (set apart); and 3). The 5th Commandment: Ex 20:12 to honor את your father ואת and your mother. The Ten Commandments are repeated in Deut chapter 5:6-21 with the same Aleph/Tav את Symbols.

Note: The reason the את is placed in these 3 commandments is because they are monumental in the life of every covenant believer as to how we establish a firm foundation to build our lives from and if these 3 are not obeyed it will be impossible to prosper in יהוה את Kingdom. These 3 are the key to maintaining an intimate relationship with the Yah-head. The commandment to honor His Name is actually a catch-all to keeping ALL His commandments by striving to walk blamelessly before Him. Consequently, when we break His commandments we are not honoring His Name which has been placed on us through covenant. The keeping of the Covenant of Sabbath (Ex 31:16) opens a doorway to the Yah-head whereby we can be intimately refreshed and know יהוה Father, or better yet, be known by יהוה Father by name and be numbered with the righteous. If you cannot honor your parents, who are in a divine position of physical authority over you, then you will not honor the Yah-head whom you cannot see. All three of these were a capital offense, punishable by death, if they were broken in the covenant land.

18. PARSHA (6) MISHPATIM (ordinances) (Exodus 21:1-24:18)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Starting in Exodus chapter 21 Moses begins to teach the instructions of Torah to the redeemed את Children of Israel (Israelites) and prepare them to enter יהוה Father’s covenant את land. We can easily see that יהוה Father, made an everlasting blood covenant though את with the Israelites and were set free to serve the Yah-head יהוה את our Elohim and walk in His Torah. In Leviticus 23:2 it is clear that all the Feast Days the Israelites are to keep belong to יהוה Father, yet in Ex 23:14-15 we see that these same Feast Days are presented to us through את and are all shadow pictures of prophecy that reveal את Y’shua the Messiah (Col 2:17). In Ex 23:27-28 it is יהוה Father through את that will give the Israelites victory against their enemies, the TWO working together as ONE. In Ex 23:31 we see it is יהוה Father through את that sets the boundaries of the covenant land, which to this day, Israel is yet to acquire.

In Ex 24:7-8 the Israelites swear an oath to be obedient to all that יהוה Father commands and Moses sprinkles them with את blood of a bull (calf) and the everlasting Mosaic Covenant is created between the Israelites and their descendants forever with יהוה Father through את blood represented by the bull. This is continuing in proper protocol as how the Yah-head has always made covenants and is a type and foreshadow that Y’shua will follow at Calvary with the new covenant made with יהוה Father through את His blood fulfilling the prophecy given by Jeremiah 31:33 But this is the covenant that I will make with את House of Israel after those days, says יהוה: I will put את My Torah in their inward parts and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their Elohim and they shall be My people. After this in Ex 24:9-11 Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel go up את Mount Sinai and see את Elohim and they ate and drank with Him. This can only be Y’shua that they eat and drink with in the presence of יהוה Father’s Holy Spirit since Y’shua states in John 6:46 No one has seen the Father except the one who is from Elohim; only He has seen the Father. In Ex 24:12 Moses is told by יהוה to come up the mountain where he will receive את tablets of stone of the commandments from את Y’shua. This is the Yah-head יהוה Father working with and through את Y’shua together in ONE accord.

 19. PARSHA (7) TERUMAH (offerings) (Exodus 25:1-27:19)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: In Exodus chapters 25, through 30 Moses is commanded to build את Tabernacle (Ex 26:30) and we notice that יהוה Father through את shows Moses the pattern (Ex 25:9) and all the furnishings belong to את from the Ark (Ex 25:14), the mercy seat (Ex 25:21), the table of showbread (Ex 25:27), the menorah (Ex 25:31-40), the altar of sacrifice (Ex 27:1-8), the priestly garments (Ex 28:3), the priest breastplate (Ex 28:28), the Urim and the Thummim (Ex 28:30), the altar of incense (Ex 30:3) and everything else is made for and belongs to את יהוה the Yah-head.

20. PARSHA (8) TEZAVEH (you will command) (Exodus 27:20-30:10)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Special attention should be given to where the את is placed any time Aaron is putting on or taking off his priestly את garments. These garments are set-apart and represent את Y’shua the Messiah clothed as our High Priest. Starting in Ex 28:1 we see the את in front of Aaron’s name in regard to him ministering in the office of priest before יהוה Father. Again, notice in Ex 29:5 when the את garments are placed upon Aaron for the first time, there is an את in front of his name, which reads…And you will take את the garments and put them upon את Aaron את the coat, ואת robe of the ephod, ואת the ephod, ואת the breastplate. Also in Ex 40:13 and Lev 8:3 the את is in front of Aaron’s name in regard to the priestly garments again. We see the את in front of Aaron’s name again when he is taking off his priestly את garments just before he dies to transfer the את garments to Eleazar his son in Numbers 20:26-28. In fact in Ex 28:3 it is actually the את garments that consecrate Aaron so that he can minister to יהוה Father and in Ex 28:30 by wearing the את garments and the placement of the את Urim and Thummim under the breastplate, the high priest actually bears the judgment of את Children of Israel before יהוה Father continually. The position of high priest is a direct reflection of את Y’shua our Messiah after the Order of Melchisedic according to the Book of Hebrews 5:6. In this weekly Torah section take notice where the את is placed in regard to the connection with covenant objects and furnishings used in the את Tabernacle for worship including את garments, את blood, את oil, and the את ephod, etc.

21. PARSHA (9) KI TISA (when you elevate) (Exodus 30:11-34:35)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: Exodus Chapter 31 is a short chapter but notice how many times the word Sabbath is use with an את in front of the word signifying that יהוה Father established the Covenant of Sabbath after creation on the 7th Day and placed את Y’shua as Adonai over that Day confirming Matt 12:8 and Luke 6:5 where Y’shua declares before His death and resurrection that He, the Son of Man is Adonai of the Sabbath. Ex 31:13-17 claims that את Sabbath Day is a sign (mark) between each covenant child and יהוה את (Yah-head). In Ex 31:16 יהוה Father commands את Children of Israel to keep את Sabbath, to observe את Sabbath throughout all their generations as an everlasting covenant. In Ex 32:11 Moses seeks את face of יהוה his Elohim…confirming what Y’shua said to Philip in John 14:9 he that has seen Me has seen the Father. In Ex 32:13 it is יהוה Father through את that will multiply Abraham’s seed as the stars of heavens. In Ex 33:4 Moses delivers to the people את words…confirming again that Moses is dealing with את Y’shua face to face.

In Ex 33:10 when the CLOUD descends at the Tabernacle door to speak with Moses את presence in the Pillar of the Cloud conversing with Moses whom the people begin to worship. In Ex 33:18 Moses begs Him to show him His את glory. In Ex 33:20-23 יהוה Father explains to Moses he cannot see His את face (full glory) but he will put Moses in the cleft of a rock while יהוה passes and when He takes away His את hand then Moses will be able to see His את back but not His face. Ex 34:6 states…And יהוה passed by before him and proclaimed יהוה, יהוה is El. So, you have to wonder, who this is that Moses has just witnessed? This is the only time the words ‘יהוה, יהוה is El’ are written this way in the entire Tanakh and they are used to describe the attributes of the Yah-head. This could only be describing both the Father and the Son because they share the same memorial name (יהוה) and are ONE EL or ONE GOD in ONE SPIRIT (Eph 2:18 For through him we both have access by One Spirit unto the Father). Remember, there is not an idle word in the Torah and in the past when someone’s name was spoken TWICE it was confirmation the complete Yah-head (Elohim) was speaking, both Father and Son. So in conclusion, I submit את Y’shua was in the cloud and shielding Moses eyes and protecting him as the proclamation came forth from the Yah-head as יהוה Father passed by in the power and brilliance of His Holy Spirit. The declaration would also confirm the Yah-head is TWO who work together as ONE EL. It could have only been Father because no man can look upon His face and live as Y’shua confirms in John 6:46 No one has seen the Father except the one who is from Elohim; only He has seen the Father. The experience proves to be overwhelming to Moses who falls on his face to worship and later comes down from Mount Sinai and the Israelites actually see את face (presence) in Moses face (Ex 34:35).

22. PARSHA (10) VA YACHEL (and he assembled) (Exodus 35:1-38:20)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: From Exodus 35:1 we see that the congregation actually belongs to את Y’shua. Also notice the את mark of Y’shua on all the furnishing for the Tabernacle starting in Ex 35:11 through verse 35:19, including the offering (Ex 35:21), the linen (Ex 35:25) and the stones and breastplate (Ex 35:27). In Ex 36:1 we see it is יהוה Father, by His Spirit, that gives His anointing of Wisdom and Understanding to certain men who were chosen as craftsmen to do the physical work to create את furnishings to be used in the service in His Sanctuary. Throughout the rest of Exodus Chapter 36, through 40 we see the את again on all the temple furnishings including the scared anointing oil in Ex 37:29. Please note there are more את is these sections of scripture concerning the covenant temple furnishings than any other place in the Tanakh.

23. PARSHA (11) PEKUDEI (accounts of) (Exodus 38:21-40:38)

Aleph/Tav ALERT: We see that the priestly garments in Ex 39:1 and the ephod in Ex 39:2 are sacred and they are made for את to wear as Aaron stands in His stead as High Priest to serve יהוה Father. This shows the strength of covenant with the Almighty. The same could be said about all the sacred vessels and furnishings throughout Exodus Chapters 38 through 40. Y’shua our Messiah has His את (mark), as the Strength of the Covenant, on everything pertaining to יהוה Father’s Tabernacle including His covenant children.