VAYIKRA (and he called)

The word Leviticus means And He Called and the author of the Book is Moses. The Book of Leviticus does not state when it was written but the date of authorship is likely between 1450 and 1400 B.C., which is the approximate time that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and the approximate time of Moses death. Leviticus 1:1 …

TETZAVEH (you will command)

Exodus 27:20 וְאַתָּה And you will command אֶת־ Children of Israel that they bring you pure olive oil beaten for the light, so that the lamp will burn continuously. 21 In the Tabernacle of the Congregation outside the veil, which is in front of the testimony, shall order אֹתֹו it (him), Aaron and his sons will keep it burning from …