Revelation Part 11-The Seventh Seal by Bill Sanford
The Seventh Seal is unique, in that it is sub-divided into Seven Trumpets, and the LAST three of these Trumpets are described as Three WOES. The first 6 Seals, as we have seen, clearly described rise and fall of the Pagan Roman Empire as judgment for the slaughter of millions of Torah observant Nazarenes. Now we will see that the …
Revelation Part 10 – The Sealing of the 144,000 by Bill Sanford
The time period of the 4 horses and riders and consequently all 6 seals Y’shua opened and brought His prophesied prophetic judgments upon the Pagan Roman Empire took over 300 years to be fulfilled and established in world history. We have over 1700 more years to interpret from this book, and hopefully by the time we come to our current …
Revelation Part 9 – The Sixth Seal by Bill Sanford
When Diocletian came to power he launched a new campaign to eradicate off the face of the earth any faith, made up of Jews or gentiles that refused to worship and pay homage to Rome’s pagan gods and it was the rulers of Italy that cried out to Constantine to save the empire from the tyranny and misrule. When judgment …
Revelation Part 8 – The Fifth Seal by Bill Sanford
The fifth seal is more of an event in time, testifying the final up-evil of persecution against the Nazarenes prior to Pagan Rome’s final judgment. During his reign at the turn of the 4th century Diocletian launched the tenth and most bitter persecution against the Nazarenes.