JOEL (Yoel) The Book of Joel states the author was the Prophet Joel in the first verse. Joel’s name in Hebrew means Yah is El. The book was written approximately between 835 and 800 B.C. as Joel was called as a prophet to the House of Judah. During this time Israel is devastated by an invasion of locusts, which destroys …
Aleph Tav Alert: Amos
AMOS (Amos) Verse one identifies the author as the Prophet Amos. The book was written approximately between 760 and 753 B.C. Amos name in Hebrew means Burden. He was called as a prophet to the northern kingdom, the House of Israel. At the time Elohim calls him Amos is a shepherd and a fruit picker from the Judean village of …
Aleph Tav Alert: Obadiah
OBADIAH (Ovadyah) Verse one identifies the author as the Prophet Obadiah and is the shortest book in the Tanakh with only 21 verses. The name Obadiah in Hebrew means Servant of Yah. From the historical references in the book, we can locate Obadiah’s ministry in Judah during the reign of Jehoram (848-841 B.C.), son of Jehoshaphat. The Book of Obadiah …
Aleph Tav Alert: Jonah
JONAH (Yonah) Verse one specifically identifies Jonah as the author. The book was written approximately between 793 and 758 B.C. The name of Jonah in Hebrew means dove. Jonah’s disobedience and the repentance and revival of Nineveh are the key themes of the book. Jonah’s refusal to obey the call of Elohim causes his own death by being swallowed by …
Aleph Tav Alert: Micah
MICAH (Mikhah) The first verse tells us the author of the book was the Prophet Micah. The Book of Micah was written approximately between 735 and 700 B.C. The Hebrew name Micah means Who is like Yah. The book has also been called “Isaiah in miniature” because it is essentially the same message as the prophecy of Isaiah. Micah was …