Deuteronomy 33:1 וְזֹאת And this is the blessing, in which blessed Moses, the man of Elohim את־ Children of Israel before his death. C-MATSQuestion: What were the final words of Moses? These final words of Moses are a combination of blessing and prophecy, in which he blesses each tribe according to its national responsibilities and individual greatness. Moses’ blessings were …
Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets)
Question: What is Feast of Trumpets? The common name for Feast of Trumpets is Rosh Hashanah which means “Head of the Year.” Just like the head controls the body, our actions on Rosh Hashanah have a tremendous impact on the rest of the year. Yom Teruah is the Hebrew name for the Feast of Trumpets which is translated “day of …
NITZAVIM (you are standing)/ VAYELECH (and he went)
Deuteronomy 29:10 אתם You stand this day before יהוה your Elohim; your captains of your tribes, your elders and your officers and all the men of Israel. C-MATS Question: What is important about the verse, “אתם You stand this day before יהוה your Elohim”? You have provoked the Omnipresent to anger many times, yet He has not made an end …
Ki Tetze (when you go) out to war
Deuteronomy 21:15 If a man has two wives, הָאחַת the one loved and the other hated and they both bear him children and if the firstborn son is from the woman who is hated: 16 Then when it comes time for him to pass his inheritance to את־ his sons את which he has may not begiven to the firstborn …