ACHAREI MOT (after the death of Aaron’s sons)

Leviticus Chapter 16 is about Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on the seventh month, tenth day and how to atone for the accidental and unknown sins of את congregation. Notice the placement of the את throughout the chapter in regard to the atoning blood of the bull and in regard to the two goats. These animals and what they will accomplish are extensions of את Messiah’s presence upon them once they are consecrated and set apart for without את Yahshua’s presence on the sacrifices they cannot be presented to יהוה Father. C-MATS

Leviticus 16:1 And יהוה spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered sacrifices before יהוה and died. C-MATS

Question: What does this teach us when it specifies ‘after the death of the two sons of Aaron?’ Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah illustrated with a parable of a patient, whom a physician came to visit. The physician said to him, ‘Do not eat cold foods, and do not lie down in a cold, damp place.’ Then, another physician visited him, and advised him, ‘Do not eat cold foods or lie down in a cold, damp place, so that you will not die the way so-and-so died.’ This one warned that patient more effectively than the former. Therefore, Scripture says, ‘after the death of the two sons of Aaronיהוה effectively said to Aaron, ‘Do not enter the Holy in a prohibited manner, so that you will not die as your sons died’. Chumash

Question: When was the first Yom Kippur? When Moses came back from Sinai with the Second Tablets of the Law was the first Yom Kippur. That day became ordained as Yom Kippur, the eternal day of forgiveness. Chumash

Question: Where did יהוה appear in the Sacred Place? יהוה‘s glory was manifested in the cloud of glory that hovered over the Ark. After the Kohen Gadol entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, he ignited incense to create a cloud, whereupon יהוה‘s glory appeared upon the Cover. Chumash