Aleph Tav Alert: Ecclesiastes

ECCLESIASTES (Kohelet) The Book of Ecclesiastes does not directly identify its author but there are many verses that imply Solomon is the author. The name Ecclesiastes in Hebrew means member of an assembly but is often thought to mean Preacher. There are some verses that may suggest a different person wrote the book after Solomon’s death, which could have been …

Aleph Tav Alert: Song of Solomon

SONG OF SOLOMON (Shir-HaShirim) Without question Solomon wrote Song of Solomon, according to the first verse. This Song is one of 1,005 that Solomon wrote according to 1 Kings 4:32. The title “Song of Songs” is a superlative, meaning this is his best one and it was most likely written during the early part of his reign around 965 B.C. …

Aleph Tav Alert: Isaiah

ISAIAH (Yeshayahu) The Book of Isaiah begins the Major Prophets in the Tanakh from Isaiah through Daniel. The first verse identifies the author of the Book of Isaiah as the Prophet Isaiah and it was written between 701 and 681 B.C. during the time period that Isaiah was called to prophesy to the southern Kingdom, the House of Judah which …

Aleph Tav Alert: Jeremiah

JEREMIAH (Yirmeyahu) The first verse identifies the Prophet Jeremiah as the author of the Book of Jeremiah, which was written between 630 and 580 B.C. and records the final prophecies given to the House of Judah, warning of oncoming destruction if the nation did not repent from braking Torah. Jeremiahs name in Hebrew means Yah is exalted. Elohim calls out …

Aleph Tav Alert: Lamentations

LAMENTATIONS (Eikhah) The Book of Lamentations does not explicitly identify its author but tradition is that the Prophet Jeremiah is the author and this is highly possible since Jeremiah witnessed the Babylonians destroying Jerusalem. The book was written approximately between 586 and 575 B.C., during or soon after Jerusalem’s destruction by the Babylonians who burned, plundered and destroyed the city …