LECH LECHA (get yourself out)

Genesis 12:1 Now יהוה had said to Abram, Get out of your country and away from your kinsmen and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you: C-MATS Question: What change took place through Abraham? After twenty generations of failure, the privilege of being יהוה‘s Chosen People was earned by Abraham and his offspring. Abraham did …

Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets)

Question: What is Feast of Trumpets? The common name for Feast of Trumpets is Rosh Hashanah which means “Head of the Year.” Just like the head controls the body, our actions on Rosh Hashanah have a tremendous impact on the rest of the year. Yom Teruah is the Hebrew name for the Feast of Trumpets which is translated “day of …

How to Celebrate Passover

Question: When does Passover begin?  YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE PASSOVER ON THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF ABIB. (Before sunset but usually extends into the fifteenth of Abib)  Leviticus 23:5 On the fourteenth day of the first month (full  moon) at evening (between sunset/darkness) is יהוה Passover. Deuteronomy 16:1 Observe את־ the month of Abib and keep the Passover to ליהוה your Elohim: for …