Moses describes the laws of oaths; the Israelites battle the Midianites; the tribes of Reuben and Gad request to dwell outside of the Land of Israel. Numbers 30:1 And Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes concerning the Children of Israel saying, This is what יהוה has commanded. 2 If a man makes a vow to יהוה or obligates …
Numbers 19:1 And יהוה spoke to Moses and to Aaron saying, 2 זֹאת This is the ordinance from the Torah which יהוה has commanded: Tell the Children of Israel to bring you a Red Heifer without spot and blemish and has never been worked: 3 You will give אֹתָהּ it (her) to Eleazar the priest, so that he may bring …
Shavu’ot- Penecost
Question: When should you celebrate Shavuot? YOU SHOULD COUNT SEVEN WEEKS OR FORTY-NINE DAYS FROM THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD TO SHAVUOT. Question: What commandments were given for Shavuot? YOU SHOULD GIVE A VOLUNTARY OFFERING TO ELOHIM DURING SHAVUOT.Deuteronomy 16:10 And you will keep the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) to יהוה your Elohim with a voluntary offering, which you will …
BEHAR (on Mount Sinai)/ Bechukotai (in My statutes)
Leviticus 25:5 אֵת That which grows of itself from the seeds of your previous harvest you will not reap, וְאֶת־ and neither gather the grapes of your untended vine: for it is a year of rest for the land. C-MATS Question: Why did יהוה set up the Sabbatical Year cycle? The land’s rest in the seventh year teaches that the …
ACHAREI MOT (after the death of Aaron’s sons)/ KEDOSHIM (sacred ones)
Leviticus 16:1 And יהוה spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered sacrifices before יהוה and died; 2 And יהוה said to Moses, speak to Aaron your brother, so that he does not come at all times into the sacred place within the veil before the mercy seat which is upon the Ark, …