Aleph Tav Alert: Job

JOB (Iyov) The Book of Job begins the Poetic Books of the Tanakh between Job and the Song of Solomon. The Book of Job does not specifically name its author but tradition points to the most likely candidates as Job, Elihu, Moses or Solomon. The name Job in Hebrew means persecuted or hated. The date of the authorship of the …

Aleph Tav Alert: Psalms

PSALMS (Tehillim) David is listed as the author of Psalms in 73 instances but he is definitely not the author of the entire collection. Psalms gives up a look into David’s personality and identity. There are 150 Psalms and it is the longest book in the Tanakh. It is also one of the most diverse. Both Psalms 72 and 127 …

Aleph Tav Alert: Proverbs

PROVERBS (Mishlei) King Solomon was the principal writer of Proverbs according to the first sentence and the word Proverbs in Hebrew means examples of or rules of. The book will forever be a look into the beautiful wisdom and character of Solomon, which was composed around 900 B.C. During Solomon’s reign the nation of Israel reached its height in spiritually, …

Aleph Tav Alert: Ecclesiastes

ECCLESIASTES (Kohelet) The Book of Ecclesiastes does not directly identify its author but there are many verses that imply Solomon is the author. The name Ecclesiastes in Hebrew means member of an assembly but is often thought to mean Preacher. There are some verses that may suggest a different person wrote the book after Solomon’s death, which could have been …

Aleph Tav Alert: Song of Solomon

SONG OF SOLOMON (Shir-HaShirim) Without question Solomon wrote Song of Solomon, according to the first verse. This Song is one of 1,005 that Solomon wrote according to 1 Kings 4:32. The title “Song of Songs” is a superlative, meaning this is his best one and it was most likely written during the early part of his reign around 965 B.C. …