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- 20,370views
- Runtime
- 8:01
- Description
- The apostle Paul makes a comment in Colossians 2:16 and 17 speaking of the Sabbath and the Feast days as shadows to the body of Y'shua the messiah in comparison as things to come or things being fulfilled. The Aleph Tav in the Torah confirms Paul's proclamations. The GREATEST biblical discovery in our generation since John's Revelation announced that the Aleph (Alpha) Tav (Omega) character symbol represents Y'shua the Messiah is the fact that His 'mark' is placed throughout the scriptures over 7000 times.
WEB SITE: www.AlephTavScriptures.com personal email WHSanford@aol.com. Please also visit me on FB and become my friend at http://www.youtube.com/user/whsanford You may also visit my friend Truett's web site who has posted more of my Torah Thoughts to video at http://www.youtube.com/user/Photoguy7/videos