ACHAREI  MOT (after the death of Aaron’s sons)/ KEDOSHIM (sacred ones)

Leviticus 16:1 And יהוה spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered sacrifices before יהוה and died; 2 And יהוה said to Moses, speak to Aaron your brother, so that he does not come at all times into the sacred place within the veil before the mercy seat which is upon the Ark, …

Celebrating Pesach (Passover)

Question: What is Pesach or Passover?Passover celebrates the death angel “passing over” the houses of the Israelites and sparing their lives but striking the firstborn of the Egyptians. Elohim miraculously released the Israelites from slavery to the Egyptians and formed a new nation who served only Him.  Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and …

Vayak’hel (He Assembles), P’kudei (Accounts)

In this portion, Moses addresses the entire nation and charges them with the privilege of building the Tabernacle. Much of the text is a repetition of the directions given in the previous chapters. Israel’s ability to create a setting for יהוה’s Presence is a measure of its greatness and, indeed, a primary reason for its very existence. Its future history …