EVERYTHING is an EXTENSION of the ALEPH TAV by Bill Sanford

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The Apostle John proclaims in his gospel, that everything was created through Y'shua and the placement of the Aleph Tav actually confirms this throughout the creation week. Consequently it is only logical to assume that EVERYTHING is an EXTENSION of the Aleph Tav and the placement of the Aleph Tav further confirms this as well and also establishes the Protocol of the Yah-head (Father/Son). The GREATEST biblical discovery in our generation since John's Revelation announced that the Aleph (Alpha) Tav (Omega) character symbol represents Y'shua the Messiah is the fact that His 'mark' is placed throughout the scriptures over 7000 times.
Email WHSanford@aol.com. Web site www.AlephTavScriptures.com